It’s taken me a long while to realise this fact but I’ve finally accepted that my house will most likely never reach the fairytale ‘perfect’ standard I hoped to achieve ‘one day’. Too often, I put off projects I am keen to get stuck into because I think that our house isn’t clean enough to allow myself the pleasure of indulging in crafty activities as there are more important things I should be spending my time on. I’ll often tell myself that when ‘everything is done’, I’ll begin sewing that top for Grace or learning how to crochet.
The day that my sink is empty (and shining), all the washing and ironing done, the floors mopped, the carpets vacuumed, my bathrooms scrubbed and the house tidy is always going to be a long way off. It’s not that such a target is necessarily unachievable, it’s more that there will always be something to clean, something to sort through or some chore that could be done as well as lots of other responsibilities that go with being a stay at home Mum to a toddler.
I’ve decided I’m going to try and dedicate more time to the many crafts and homely projects I’d like to try. There are so many ideas saved in my ‘to make’ inspiration folder that I am itching to start. To begin with I’d like to make the quilt I’m working on for Grace’s new bed and provided that goes okay, I’d like to start a quilt for our new baby. Crocheting is also something I’ve wanted to learn for a long time so armed with the guide and crochet hook Catherine sent me, I’d like to try and make a pretty scarf for Grace to wear this winter. Gift tags, some decorative pieces for Grace’s room and a cross stitch runner are also things I’m planning to make.
I’m interested who else out there has my problem and keeps putting off exciting new projects waiting for that magical day when they have nothing else important to do? Which projects are you keen to get started on?
Also, this week, Homely One is being featured over at The Decorating Forum. If you’re not a member already, be sure to head over and check it out. It’s a wonderful resource for all home and decorating topics and provides plenty of advice that you may need.
Enjoy your start to the week!

I must apologise as I have no idea where I originally found any of these images as I've had them in my folder for a very long time. If any of these images are yours, please let me know and I will be sure to give them proper credit.
Fairy tale perfect is a house filled with love, happy & healthy children, not objects polished within an inch of show room. I plan to have that kind of lifestyle & home in the minutes between my 4th child leaving home & the 1st one popping back with our grandchildren!! Love Posie
ReplyDelete(sorry it's anonymous, i can't sign into Blogger)
I have the same problem:(. I try to keep things balanced. The house is respectably tidy, I work 10 hours a day, so if I take a little time out for me each day - then that I think that is fair enough.
ReplyDeleteYour projects sound wonderful. Maybe try to spend 30 minutes each day getting them done. Good luck:)
And thank you for letting us feature you on the Decorating Forum:)
Posie - I love your description of a 'perfect house' - I will have to live by that mantra from now on!!
ReplyDeleteJulie Ann - thanks for asking me to share my blog with your members :)
HI Amanda, You know I always find that no one ever visits when the house is all perfect and tidy. They always come when it is lived in. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThere is always something to do isn't there! But we must remember its the journey not the destination. Enjoy the ride and the fun and excitment of starting and working through a project not just the finished product :)
ReplyDeleteI have a project list that I keep with dates of when I'd like to get something finished by, but it never works out that way it always takes longer but thats ok because its the journey I keep reminding myself :)
Hi amanda, i know exactly what you mean! its so difficult getting into projects when the home is messy. And somehow, it never is clean and perfect enough to get that free time. I just try to keep a balance... its hard, but have to keep working on it!
ReplyDeleteLaura xx
I put off heaps of projects, but not so much because of time or other things to do around the house, it's mostly because I worry that I'll muck them up and my time will have been wasted. I'm a shocking procrastinator - always have been.
ReplyDeleteps I'm sure your home puts mine to shame! I have so many things to do around here that I doubt I'd ever get them done, even if I tried!
We have unpainted skirts and architraves, walls that need patching and paining, frames that need hanging. The list goes on!
ReplyDeleteOur projects are lying idle because they are such a chore we keep putting them off.
I'll be much happier with the painting is finished.
I guess homes are always a work in progress right? Like the people that live in them. We are never 'finished' but keep growing and evolving. At least that's what I'd like to think. Hope you have a great week too :)
ReplyDeleteI am hopeless with putting things off. I see something that looks wonderful and want to have a go at making, go out and buy all the stuff, and then never quite get to the making.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for Brown Owls - enforced crafting time. Its on this Sunday from 2-4 in Bayswater if you're interested in coming along for some enforced crafting time. Just let me know and I'll give you the details
I feel the same way, it's hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do. Then sometimes I put things off because it's new and I feel nervous about making new things. I hope you get a chance to start on one of your new projects this week. xo
ReplyDeleteI am the same way. I want to have a day where everything in the house is perfect, dinner is already cooked, and I am lounging with a magazine and a glass of sweet tea. That is so never going to happen! It's more fun to be realistic and work on fun projects! I love that chalkboard list...the frame is really pretty!
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda, I guess we all share the same predicament of always having something to do around the house/with the kids but I find I am happier and more productive overall if I'm always working on something crafty. Slowly but surely I get around to many of my projects but certainly not all. I am thinking of scaling back and being more realistic about what can be accomplished and letting go of my idea of a "perfect" house, too. I like Julie-Ann's comment about 30 minutes a day.
ReplyDeleteAmanda i am the same... there are times i have all things done,everything sorted,dinner ready and have time to be crafty but there are also days i feel like just doing nothing but i should be doing all the projects i want to achieve while i feel inspired,don't worry in your own time you will find all that motivation and inspiration to tick off your projects soon :)xx
ReplyDeleteYes, that happens here too. So much to do before projects. Enjoy your week.
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling well, it is so hard to start something when so much is to be done all the time, probably why you see more op shopping finds on my blog than craft. At least when I'm out shopping I'm not thinking of what needs to be done at home.
ReplyDeleteI've thought about posting about this too..I think every mother feels it. I've had to learn to accept that the house will never be 'perfect' and that I can only get a certain amount done each day, no matter what is on my list. All I know is that the only way I can go to bed at the end of the day without regrets is to spend time with my children doing things we love.. Rachaelxx
ReplyDeleteRachael - perfectly said!!