A little while back I read Jessica Watson’s book ‘True Spirit’ and in it I stumbled upon a quote by Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue which stood out to me and which I wanted to share with you all:
"One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own."
I think this is very true of blogging and one of the reasons why being a part of a blogging community is such a wonderful thing. When I share something on a post and I read comments readers have left, it not only warms my heart that they have taken the time to leave a few words, I really appreciate their feedback and opinions and the encouragement they offer.
I think it’s important that we encourage each other – encourage others to share their knowledge and expertise, encourage others to try something new like a recipe for a new dish or a new craft project or encourage others to be the best we can be in our daily lives as wives/partners, mothers, friends and so on.
Thank you all for encouraging me so very much through your comments and through your own blogs which are constant sources of inspiration.