Monday, June 4, 2012

Priorities And Projects

I used to be quite an organised person.  Cupboards and drawers were neatly arranged, my car was spotless without a speck of dirt or sand and paperwork was promptly filed away.  However, circumstances here lately have led me to feel extremely disorganised.  Around the time of Grace’s party, when the girls were also unwell, I felt as though I was struggling to stay on top of things.   My to-do list contained far too many items to ever be achievable, sorting out tea each night was becoming a mammoth task and as far as the housework, I was falling further and further behind.  More time consuming projects such as organising or craft were WAY down the bottom of my list.

Over the past few weeks, I have changed my mindset and tried to be less of a perfectionist.  I have accepted that I can’t do it all.  That my life has changed and I can’t be that once super organised person I was.  My standards have dropped.  And that’s okay.   I have decided to focus on one word – prioritising and made a list of the top things I need to take care of daily in my role as a stay at home Mum and displayed it on the fridge where I can see it often and remind myself of what’s really important.  

I've also decided to focus on one major area of home life that is bothering me each week.  I sat down and made a big list of all the areas I feel aren’t running as smoothly as I’d like, that need to be better organised and that need time allocated to them in order to be remedied.  Things like having a decent supply of home-cooked frozen meals , listing some unwanted items on Gumtree, sorting through the contents of our wardrobes, editing and deleting photos and coming up with a better system for managing and responding to emails (our inbox currently has 2537 emails sitting there) will all have ‘their week’. 

Last week’s focus was ‘Operation Baby Food’.  I made a whole range of dishes and pureed and froze them all ready for the coming months for Sophie. Hopefully they should take us through to her starting on finger foods.  This week’s focus is ‘Operation Stock-Up’.  Running out of things lately has really been annoying me (and Paul who I am constantly asking to stop at the local supermarket on his way home from work).  I used to have a good system in place for my grocery shopping and ensuring I had ‘back-ups’ of frequently used pantry items and toiletries.  Now I have no idea what it is I'm running low on.  

I’m finding myself more productive with my focus for the week as I’ve tended to flit from project to project, ending up with lots of things half done.  Having a weekly priority and knowing that I have one thing I’d really like to accomplish come Sunday is actually achievable for me. 

How do you deal with things when you are feeling overwhelmed and disorganised?  I’d love for you to share your strategies…

Cute notebook above available from Fresh Words Market on Etsy


  1. Hi Amanda, I have always been disorganised. Papers everywhere, things half done. It drives Lyn crazy. I think I get overwhelmed and think it's just too hard to get on top of it. One little way I manage is to write a list of achieveable things as it is a good feeling to be able to mark thinsg off.
    I'm sure your state of disorganisation is still a whole lot tider and more organised than mine!!

    1. I love crossing things off my list- makes me feel as though I've actually achieved something :)

  2. I have no great strategies to give unfortunately, but I think you have some great ideas! xx

  3. You do have some great ideas Amanda and I can only imagine how hectic life gets for you sometimes. I feel the same when I am disorganised. I get overwhelmed and flit from here to there and don't achieve a lot. For me I need to stop, make a list and prioritise. Finish one task at a time then move on. This works for me at home just as it did at the Bank. I am a visual person so reading my list and seeing everything in one place really helps. xx

    1. I am a big list maker too Nellie - I make a list of things to do/remember for the day ahead each night before I go to bed - thesedays however, I keep my list as small and manageable as possible, it's a 'realistic to do list' :)

  4. Oh's like we're writing from each other's minds again :)
    I am the same! I used to pride myself on being super organised!!! But nowadays, I'm the opposite!! I forget special events & birthdays, I'm late or rushed for EVERYTHING, the washing stays on the line for 2 days, paperwork builds up so much that I then have to pull an all nighter to enter, file & tax each one, i'm dashing to the corner store every afternoon to grab things for dinner, and I feel like there is just SO MUCH to do, and not enough time to do it all. I want to fix this!!!! I have started to shift my days around so I have my priorities in order. I did a mammoth {$450 to be exact} grocery shop last week to stock up on pantry & cleaning supplies, and I'm trying to plan our weekly dinners & shopping lists again. I also do Ryder's food in a big cookup session. I try to make 3 weeks of lunches & dinners for him in one swoop...but then those 3 weeks fly by & his supply is empty AGAIN!
    I like your idea on having a week to focus on each thing. That takes away the pressure of having it all done, right now!
    Just take peace in knowing you're not alone Amanda....we're in the same boat.
    P.S. And even after doing that mammoth grocery shop on Friday, and feeling so organised for it....I still had to send Chris out at 6:30 tonight to buy a pack of nappies, as I realised we only had 3 left in the house!!! HAAAA!
    And, as you know, I am very disorganised at replying to emails :) I love getting emails for you & WILL reply ASAP! x

    1. I knew you'd understand Claire :) After cleaning out our pantry yesterday, today's job is to organise my online Coles order, as in a big bulk order like you've described. It's been so good having all Sophie's meals frozen and ready to go. Love that we're on the same page in yet another aspect of life with our bubs :)

  5. It's hard when you are a perfectionist to let things slide, speaking from one to another:) The technique I found works for me is that I write a list in my diary, just a short one, each night before I go to bed. I leave my diary where I can see it and just go through each job on the list, crossing off as I go. If I don't cross it off the list then I don't worry and carry it over to the next day. I find it really helps because it gives me a goal and I can also keep track of what I've been doing throughout the week too. I hope you have a good week and you can find a solution to how you've been feeling. Take care. xx

    1. You use the same 'to-do' list system as me Catherine - if I don't get onto something on my list, it gets carried over to the following day. Thesedays, my list is much shorter and achievable though. I asterisk two 'must do' items and have only a handful of others.

  6. I feel the same Amanda, but have just let go a bit and do what I can, when I can. Although some days irk me more than others. xx

  7. I like to be organised, caos well sends me caotic. Although I fail miserable at it. Our house is small and lacks storage, I have a constant battle on where to put things! I've just started a meal planner and shopping list to go with, which has made my evenings a lot easier. No more thinking whats for tea! I'm also tackleing big jobs weekly/monthly.

    1. Meal planning transformed my evening life :) I know it's not for everyone but for me, it really helps.

  8. Hi Amanda, I go through phases. Sometimes I feel motivated and energised to get on top of things, and it feels great. It feels really satisfying when I've accomplished one thing (like sort through photos, or tidy up our study!), but equally when it's all just too much, I just focus on getting the important things done: putting good food on the table, getting washing done etc. I've had one of those weeks, and I try to be kind to myself. I trust that whatever it is I might be feeling will pass and the sun will shine again, and I'll feel the zing again. (Gosh that was a bit deep, wasn't it?!). It's a cycle, a process and all a journey. And the main thing that I do is keep in mind that nothing is about 'getting it done', it's about 'getting there'. It's something I'm really trying hard to learn. OK, I'm going to sign off now before I take up this entire page! x

    1. I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone :) I go through phases to where I'm super productive and achieve lots and others where I lack energy.

  9. Hi Amanda

    I often focus on all of the things not done - it can be helpful to write a list of all the things you have done which I'm sure you will be shocked then by how much you have achieved.
    I like your idea of having a priority list and think I will start one. I keep forgetting what I've run out of and have been making meals that often have a vital ingredient missing. The job I have prioritised for today is a stock take of my store cupboard then off to the shops to replenish.
    Have fun with your lovely daughters they are precious - I have three lovely girls x

    1. Yesterday's job was to go through my pantry. Today's is to do an online order of a big bulk item buy up.

  10. Amanda, I too used to be a bit of a perfectionist, although now, i think i still am, just in a different way..If i think that i wont be able to do something to my standard of perfect, I cant bring myself to start... and if i do start something and find half way through that it isnt going to turn out the way i wanted, i end it... this leaves me with way too many half finished projects and projects that need attention... I love your idea of attempting one thing per week... i think i could actually manage that!! thanks for sharing, i am inspired!!!
    Laura xx

  11. I work full time in quite a demanding job with long hours and some days feel very totally overwhelmed by my list of things to do and find preparing a healthy and comforting dinner the biggest chore at the end of a very long day. One thing that helps me out is, as you have already suggested, cooking and freezing meals. I find it is just as easy to make a double, triple or even bigger batch of pasta sauce, soup, stews etc than it is to make one. It might take a few minutes longer to prepare and make but in the long run saves me so much time so when I come home at night and its just taking out one of the meals heating it through and cooking some pasta, rice, or veges to go with whatever meal we are having. Also saves time on washing up. To mix things up a bit I'll also convert one of the pasta sauces into a lasagne and freeze that. If I'm cooking rice one night to go with a meal, I'll cook a double batch to make fried rice the next night. You probably already do this anyway but thought it was worth mentioning. I'm off to bed now ... was up at 4:30am today ... had a long day at work and have to be back at work by 8:00am tomorrow. I've given myself until 10:30pm on the computer and its now 10:28pm so its lights out for me. Night Night.

    1. Hi Nic, I try to 'double up' and freeze where I can. Unfortunately, we don't have a huge freezer though so I can't do this too much. I do think ahead in terms of meal preparation like you though with preparing things like rice etc. for more than one meal and so on.

      Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment.

  12. haha...i felt like i could have written this myself! and i think coming from teacher's backgrounds, having everything being organised is even harder to 'give up'. i personally feel that if my life is organised, neat and tidy, then i can 'cope' with the rest of the when things fall behind, then i start to fall apart.

    i just had a mini breakdown last weekend about the state of the house! so i know exactly how you feel...except i only have one child and you have two children! so i take my hat off to you.

    i've been thinking about doing the online coles/woolworths shopping. those i know who do swear by it. i just haven't been organised enough yet to get onto it!

    i really like your idea of focusing on one thing. that way you don't have too many expectations and you also get to feel that sweet feeling of success and accomplishment.

    having the small list on the fridge is also good (that's where i keep olive's "eating journey" with the list of foods to try at each age level. i highlight when she's had it and i feel like i'm doing a good job! haha. :D

    1. Our lives are so similar at the moment :) I'm doing a Coles online order today actually - I do one every month and a half or so of a big bulk buy up of pantry items and toiletries and then I just get fresh produce weekly. I find it works for us.

  13. I often feel overwhelmed by all the things on my to do list - especially when it seems to grow despite my best efforts to get things done.

    What works for me - is to write a list out for the next few days and schedule in a few things from my to do list for each day. Then I can group similar things together - for example, if I'm going into the city on Friday I know I can do all my "at the shops" tasks on that day. If I'm planning my Thursday to be a quiet "at home" day then I add in what I can do from home for that day ie. pay bills, research gift ideas online (before my Friday trip to the shops).

    This helps me feel less overwhelmed as I know I will get to all my "to-do" things - just not today!

  14. Hi Amanda I found you over at Nellie's blog and thought I'd drop a line and say hi to a fellow W.A''re the first one from W.A I've met.....Don't feel too bad about not having everything organized...I've never been one to be overly organized unless it's for appointments or visiting friends for outings etc....I learnt a long time ago I realized the control we try to have over being organized can go out the window in a second and I found this out when my son now 19 was diagnosed with Autism at 4yrs old....I've always worked a little better when things are a little untidy as bad as that what works for you and you'll be more relaxed about your to do list.....lovely to meet you and I hope you'll keep popping over to my blog for a read...I'm going to follow yours being that you're a fellow sandgroper :)take care xo.....and I'd just like to ask where in W.A are you??

    1. I just found you today via Nellie too :) Thanks for stopping by. I'm in the Perth suburbs.

  15. I'm a list maker too, like a few have said, and i like to think it helps me organise things a bit better.
    What I find helps me though is to not try to do one big massive job in one hit, but to take it in stages...
    For example, if I want to clean out the drawers and wardrobe I just take out four things out to go to the op-shop.
    I learned a long time ago that some jobs just overwhelm me and it's easier to do things in stages.
    I completely understand about letting things get out of hand and tending to only half finish things. I can get like that, and i don't have two gorgeous little girls to distract me.
    Take it easy and be easy on yourself. That's the best advice I can offer. If the floors aren't washed or vacuumed it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things.
    As someone said to me the end of the day, no-one's going to remember us because we had clean floors, full pantry's or spotless washing, they'll remember you for what a loving Mum and friend you are.

  16. It must be hard to let go of the reins a little bit from your old organised self but I think you are doing a good thing. A weekly focus is a good idea, I might give it a try to get myself to become MORE organised, rather than just fiffle faffling around the house with no real direction.

    Be kind to yourself, focus on what you have achieved rather on what you didn't quite get to! x

  17. Oh what a wonderful post Amanda! I loved reading about your strategies as my own perfectionist behaviour has led to the mini breakdown i had last week with the twins!
    You seem to be going through similar thoughts, feelings and events...this mothering gig can be tough can't it!!!
    Well done you for taking some pressure off though and refocusing on a few specific areas...what a fantastic idea xx


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