After my update on Sophie last week, I thought this week I’d do an update on my ‘Gracie girl.’ Every day, I think about how blessed our family is to have her in it. Since having Sophie, Grace seems to have grown up SO much. Goodbye toddler. Hello little girl.

We’ve been lucky that through the past few tough months, Grace has been an angel. Paul and I are always saying, “she’s just such a good kid” and she really is. She has a beautiful nature and a sweet personality but also a cheeky little streak and a great sense of fun. The other day as I was preparing dinner, she looked up at me chopping an onion and said, “Don’t worry Mummy, if it stings your eyes I will get that tea-tower (tea towel) there and wipe them for you.”
Lately, she’s become so independent. I hear the phrases, “no, I’ll do it” or “I did it all by myself Mummy’ a hundred times a day. She wants to brush her own hair, put on her clothes, go to the toilet and hop in the car seat all by herself. Consequently, being unable to do such tasks can sometimes lead to a lot of frustration.
As for her big sister role, she relishes being the older sibling and is a real mother hen with Sophie. The other day, I popped out of the room and returned to find Grace fussing over her little sister. “There was just a little bit of chuck on Sophie so I wiped it off with a chuck cloth,” she said as she dabbed Sophie’s mouth.
From the moment she wakes, Grace talks non-stop. She’s a real chatterbox. It’s exhausting at times but so very entertaining. She is inquisitive and asks hundreds of questions, commentates everything and has an amazing vocabulary. Just yesterday as Grace and I wandered around the markets, she amazed a stallholder by pointing to a plant and saying, “Look Mummy, a frangipani!”

As she always has, Grace continues to love the outdoors. She’d be happy playing outside and pottering around in the yard all day if I let her. She is a real animal lover and often tells me that Asha is her best friend. She has no fear and doesn’t think twice about trying to pick up critters like lizards. Yet as much as she doesn’t stop, she’s equally happy to sit down and colour in at the kitchen table or create things with her play-doh for a good length of time. She is VERY neat and her colouring-in continues to amaze everyone. My teacher friends say she’s neater than half of their six year old students. She loves her stuffed animals and brings a whole menagerie of them to bed with her, lining them all up on either side of her along the pillow and tucking them in beneath the sheets. If one is missing, she knows.

I can see that this year with Grace approaching three will be such a fun one for us and I look forward to all the exciting times we will have together. The other night as I gave her a big cuddle I asked, “Do you know how much I love you?” to which she replied,”To the moon?” She’s half right. I love her to the moon AND back…