Hope you've all enjoyed the weekend. Mine was a productive one, even though a few things didn't go in my favour. On a positive note though, lots of good things happened over the weekend too. We purchased a new print recently for our lounge room and yesterday Paul put it up (I'll share some photos of our lounge room later in the week). I also crossed another project off my 'nesting' list which I am happy about. I had photos scattered everywhere as I had accumulated all of Dad's old photos, a bunch my Mum had recently passed on to me and a whole heap of my own which were literally thrown in a cupboard. Yesterday afternoon, I sorted through them all and while they are not organised neatly in a photo box yet as I'd like, they are organised in piles and I have managed to whittle them down to just those I want or have a need for. Aren't the photos above so lovely? I adore old photos like this - the school boy is my Dad and the one of my Nanna on the right is one of my favourite natural shots of her.

On Friday, Grace spent the day at my Mum's while I had a sewing day with my friend and her fellow quilting buddies. I spent virtually the whole time cutting out blocks for Grace's quilt. Now they are laid out on our lounge room floor so I can try and perfect their arrangement. Every now and then I walk past and swap a square around. I've been debating whether or not to add a touch of green fabric to the mix (the green square above is a piece of cardboard) and the grey Russian doll fabric is not going to stay, it's just there while I wait for the version with a white background to arrive in my mailbox. Today I went to buy some more of a particular fabric I had decided to use to bind my quilt only to discover they had none left.
Another thing I missed out on was that cane chair. After blogging about it in my last post, I must have jinxed myself as I was all set to arrange to go and look at it (after it had been listed for a few weeks) only to receive an email that the item was no longer available. I was so disappointed, especially as so many of you could see its potential like I could. Paul was secretly happy. I'll have to keep hunting.
How was your weekend?
Hi amanda, I like the colours of your quilt and i think I like the addition of the green. Pity about the chair but I dare say another will pop up.
ReplyDeleteI do love old photos, they have such a sense of nostalgia.
I think your weekend was much nicer than mine as I was stuck at work.
Thanks for entering my giveaway, I'm pleased that you like my work :)
Bummer you missed out on the cane chair and the fabric. But it's great you got to map out your quilt squares (I've heard that that is the longest/hardest part of making a quilt). And I love looking at old family photos too. It's so cool to see the old-fashioned things in the photos.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you had a great weekend :)
Hi Amanda, you sure did have a productive weekend. The quilt is looking good and I agree with Sarah, I think the green should stay.
ReplyDeleteIt is lovely to have possession of such great photos, it is nice to be able to look back at family and friends. I must ask my mum for some.
Happy quilting. Deb
Amanda, I love your gorgeous photos! Old photos are so lovely, and when they are of people you love ... they mean so much more! I only have a few of my family and they are treasured possessions! I love the squares for Grace's quilt! Maybe one of us, reading your post, maybe able to hunt down the piece of fabric you couldn't get, for you. Let me know if I can help out in any way! I am sorry to hear you missed out on the cane chair:( I think that it means there is another gorgeous chair out there just waiting for you to find it. Thank you for your lovely support this evening, you are such a wonderful friend!! Sending you huge hugs ~ Txx
ReplyDeleteLooking through old photos is a good past time to eat up an entire afternoon, time seems to pass so quickly! Looking forward to seeing the new print in the lounge room and my I think the quilt is coming along very lovely-like. I tried to decide whether green was a good addition and I think it looks great with or without it, so I'm no help there!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I go to Wagga I keep meaning to go through mums many albums to find images of my dad, for some reason I just never seem to find the hours for sorting. Your's are lovely and so nice to have nice memories of your dad so close at hand.
ReplyDeleteGrace's quilt is looking great, keep searching for the binding fabric....you'll find it.
sounds like you've been getting lots of little things done {take it in your stride} haven't seen any belly photos what's going on hehehe love getting your comments big smooch to you amanda lisa xx
ReplyDeleteI do love old photos too, they have such a lovely feel to them I don't know what it is but they are some of my favourites. It's nice you've got so many of your dad too:) The quilt is looking great so far, it's sounds like a lovely day to spend with some other crafty ladies. I hope you find some other fabric you like to bind Grace's quilt, it's hard to choose something else when you've already got something already in mind. Hopefully another beautiful chair comes your way, I'm sorry your missed out on the other one:( Have a wonderful week sweet lady. xo
ReplyDeleteSounds like the nesting really is setting in! Takes ages to find the right piece of art doesn't it, can't wait to see it up. The quilt is looking like a real labour of love, I think some pops of green would be good it will bring out the green leaves in the flowery squares. Keep on nesting :)