We have four days left of feeling like we’re living in Antarctica. The heater man is booked to come Tuesday morning so unfortunately, we will still be ‘heater-less’ this weekend… However, the ‘end is in sight’ and I’ve had lots of other things that have made me smile this week…

Grace is really enjoying the new ‘toy’ in the lounge room. Every now and then it will catch her eye and she’ll go over and have a little ‘play’. It really is cute to see her excitement as she presses all the different keys.

Yesterday, I encountered a kind lady at Medicare whilst waiting amongst the 101 other people who were waiting there at the same time as us – she was very sweet and swapped tickets with us so I wouldn’t have to wait so long with Grace who was started to get bored and fidgety. If I had a pretty bunch of flowers like the ones above, I would have given them to that lovely lady for her good deed.

This helium balloon costing little over $1 has kept Grace occupied for over a week. She is obsessed with it and has been carrying it everywhere. It makes me smile seeing the little green balloon bobbing around like a homing device attached to her.

And finally making me smile is the fact that I don’t have to cook tonight – we’re going to order a pizza from the gourmet pizza place my brother-in-law has recommended so I am looking forward to having a night out of the kitchen… although if my kitchen looked like the one above at the moment without all the packing boxes and clutter, I wouldn’t mind so much.
What has made you happy this week?